2013年2月4日 星期一

Tell me about a time when... 該如何回答呢?

4. Tell me about a time when
(Fill in with situations relevant to the position. For instance: Tell me about
when you had to take initiative … you had to deal with a difficult customer …
you had to respond to a crisis … you had to give difficult feedback to an
employee … You get the idea.)
5. Describe a situation where you worked in a team

有學員詢問關於以上這兩個在英文面談準備資料中提供的參考問題... 問得很好唷!:)


Tell me about a time when... 是一個美國在面談時愛用的問法,問的是對於棘手或是難題出現時危機處理能力,例如問Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a co-worker who wasn't doing his/her fair share of the work. What did you do and what was the outcome?,最佳的回答方式是舉過去親身的經驗而非假設性的回答,若是你在工作中沒有遇過,那就想想看是否在志工的經驗裡有遇過,或是在校內課業上類似的情形,而我的回答可能會是:Four of us were doing a school project as team last semester. We had a team member who wasn't being very productive. My other team members wanted to kick him out, I did not agree initially and proposed that we should have a meeting with him before we made our final decision. I am glad we had the meeting. His mother was sick in the hospital. He had to take care of her and his little sister at the same time. So we rearranged our schedule to accommodate him and all worked harder to achieve our goals. We turned in our project on time and got a good grade.

Tell me about a time when... 對於WAT學生而言算是比較進階版的面談問題,問到的機會並不高,但在準備時我們傾向更充分,尤其是此次美方在英文面談採較嚴苛的篩選,難保他們會出些難題...

而Describe a situation where you worked in a team也可能會用Tell me about a time when...的方式來問你唷!Tell me about a time when you had to work with a team to accomplish something.


2013年1月24日 星期四

當美國人問你How are you? How are you doing? 時...

記不記得小時候的英文課本,總會有這麼一課"How are you?"...

Mary: How are you?
瑪莉說 你好嗎?

John: I'm fine, thank you. And you?
約翰說 我很好, 謝謝你, 那你呢?

所以讓我們台灣學生根深蒂固的當被問到How are you?時,反射性衝口而出的就是I'm fine

而若是被問到How are you doing?時,常常還有點不知道如何回應,愣了一下才回神


比起How are you?,How are you doing? 被使用的機會比較多

fine / okay
good / well

如果你回答熟一點的老美朋友I am fine,他可能還會面露點憂愁,問你only fine? Are you alright?

假設英文面談時,你的面試官問你How are you doing today?
例如:I am doing wonderful, thank you. How about yourself?
是不是聽起來就比I am fine或是I am good更有精神多了,
當然也可以換成great, perfect或是excellent,都是很有活力的回答唷!

I'm good.
I'm well.
I'm doing good.
I'm doing well.
I'm feeling good.
I'm feeling well.
I'm not feeling good. (如果不太好時...)
I'm not feeling well. (如果不太好時...)

@Chicago, IL 

2013年1月15日 星期二

[文章分享] 100 Reasons To Travel The World



 100 Reasons To Travel The World

  • It’s Awesome:
    Travelling just gives such a general sense of ‘WOW’. All the different experiences (both good and bad) just make you feel alive and part of this wonderful world.
  • Experience Different Cultures:
    Living in one place for a long time (or all your life) can lead you to believe that everyone else has the same customs and habits. Venturing out to other countries with different cultures to yours can be really eye-opening. The ways in which people live throughout the world are truly fascinating.
  • Endless Choices and Possibilities:There are 195 official countries in the world. When travelling, you have hundreds of choices of where to go, how long to stay and what to do. You can go to a place for adventure, sports, culture, work or just total relaxation. You can even make it a combination of all of the above.
  • You Will Grow As a Person:
    Whoever you think you are right now and whatever you think you want from life right now will change if you travel for a long time. You will see the world, experience different cultures and meet many people. You will learn much about yourself and your expectations and goals in life may just change completely.
  • Better Social Skills:When travelling, you are constantly in contact with people. Whether they be locals or tourists, you will need them, and they will need you. Initially it may be very hard, but over time you will become better at talking to strangers and making new friends.
  • Making New Friends:Travelling the globe will result in you meeting many people, some interesting and some dull. The chances are big that you will make friends in many countries, and some of those friendships may be for life. I have some friends in countries around the world that I met on a vacation, and I could stay with them anytime and visa versa.
  • Meet People from Every Nationality:
    It’s not neccessary but it can definitely be a fun goal. Speak to a person from every nationality.
  • Pay With Different Currencies:
    There are so many different types of currencies in the world. Dollars, Euros, Pesos, Rubels,Yens and countless others. Each currency has different coins and notes. Nice to look at and have in your wallet.
  • Experience Different Climates:
    One of the beauties about travelling is that you have the choice where you want to go. This means you can choose the kind of climate you want to be in. You can have a year of summer or a year of winter. You can go to the sun in the middle of winter and to the snow in the middle of summer.
  • Realize That You Do Not Need Much To Survive:I have lots of things in my room and my house at home. When I travel, I have a suitcase and a backpack, and I live out of that for months at a time. Besides a suitcase of clothes and some things like a laptop, camera and cellphone, all you need is money so you can rent an apartment and pay for your travels.
  • All The Delicious Foods and Dishes:
    Different countries and different cultures mean different dishes and different food. Yummy food! I personally think eating is one of the more fun things to do in life. So travel and eat Indian, Thai, seafood, steak, rice, roasts and much much more.
  • Learn to Deal With Lonliness:
    When travelling there will be times when you feel lonely or miss home. You will become a better person if you learn how to handle these emotions in a positive way and grow from them instead of letting it eat away at you.
  • Learn to Deal With Boredom:Boredom is something that will inevitably show its head when you are out and about, travelling the world. However, it is up to you how that boredom affects you. There are always many different things you can do to never be bored, and on your travels you will discover how to get rid of boredom.
  • Become Street-Wise:In different countries there are always scums and predators taking advantage of tourists. You will learn to spot these people and trust your judgement when something doesn’t feel right. You will also find that often you can negotiate and barter with people, because local prices are often much less than tourist prices for the same items or services.
  • Learn to Adapt and Improvise:When travelling, there is not always a fixed plan or routine. Sometimes you will need to make adjustments on the spot in order to get things done and to get to where you need to be.
  • Increase Confidence and Trust in Yourself:If you are travelling alone, or even with someone, there are always a lot of decisions that you have to make. Doubting yourself can cause a lot of hassle, so over time you will learn to be more confident with your decisions and trust your own judgement.
  • Travelling Can Be Cheap:Some people think that travelling the world means spending a fortune. The most expensive part of travelling is probaby the plane tickets. If you plan your travels you can find cheap accomodation and food and adventures do not have to be expensive either.
  • Sense of Freedom:The sense of freedom that you get from travelling is fantastic. Deciding where you want to go, how long you want to stay, what you want to do. It’s FANTASTIC!
  • The Stone Henge:One of the wonders of the world. The fact that it’s out there and you haven’t seen it is enough reason to travel to it. How were these massive blocks of rock places in such a formation? Aliens?
  • Great Pyramid of Giza:Another one of the wonders of the world. Thousands of years old and still standing tall, the pyramid of Giza is a reason to travel to Egypt. How was it possible that people built such massive structures so long ago without machines or technology?
  • Hanging Gardens of Babylon:You may not have heard about these gardens. I hadn’t until I researched the different wonders of the world. These gardens were considered a wonder of the ancient world, but were destroyed in the 2nd century BC by an earthquake.
  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia:One of the seven wonders of the ancient world. Back in greece, created around 432 BC, this 12m tall statue of Zeus is worth the trip!
  • Temple of Artemis at Ephesus:Better known as the Temple of Diana, this Greek temple was completed in 550 BC and is considered one of the seven ancient wonders of the world.
  • Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus:This was a tomb built between 353 and 350 BC in present-day Turkey. Another one of the seven ancient wonders of the world.
  • Colossus of Rhodes:This is a stature of the Greek god Helius and was erected on the island of Rhodes.Another one of the seven ancient wonders of the world.
  • Niagra Falls:The most powerful waterfall in North America. An incredible amount of water flows over the edge every minute and it is an absolutely spectacular thing to see.
  • Lighthouse of Alexandria:This is a tower built in the 3rd century BC on the island of Pharos in Egypt. One of the seven ancient wonders of the world.
  • Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa:A series of tombs in Alexandria,Egypt. A historical archeological site with many gruesome stories and events that took place there.
  • Great Wall of China:The only man-built object that is visable from space. It was built to keep out trespassers and Mongolians back in the day when China was a really powerful empire. This warrants a trip to China. Go and set foot on the Great Wall!
  • Porcelain Tower of Nanjing:Also know as the Temple of Gratitude. It was constructed under the Ming Dynasty in the 15th century but was mostly destroyed in the 19th century. It is located in Nanjing, China.
  • Leaning Tower of Pisa:Surely you have heard of this one! Located in Italy, this tower began to lean in 1173 due to a badly constructed foundation. It has been standing ever since and is a major attraction and marvel to see.
  • Table Mountain – Cape Town:Cape Town is a really beautiful city in South Africa. I have lived there since I was 6 years old. One of the biggest attractions is Table Mountain. A mountain around 1km high where the top is as flat as a table, hence the name. At times, the clouds flow over the edge beautifully, making it look like a table-cloth of white fluff.
  • Taj Mahal:This beautiful palace is located in Agra, India. It took 20 years to build by thousands of craftsmen. It is truly beautiful and magnificent. If you have a chance, this is one reason to go to India.
  • Great Barrier Reef:A good excuse to visit Austrlia at the same time. The great barrier reef consists of over 2900 individual reefs and is visible from outer space! It is considered one of the seven natural wonders of the world and is a huge tourist attraction.
  • Mount Everest:The tallest mountain on the face of the earth, located between Nepal and China. Even though it is the tallest mountain, it is way not the hardest to climb. If you feel up to it, some good training will put you in state to reach the top of Everest.
  • Amazon Rainforest:This tropical South American rainforest covers over seven million square kilometres. It is home to hundreds and thousands of plants, trees and animals. Pity it is being cut down little by little.
  • Inca Temples:I’m talking about the ones in Peru. Located on the western coast of South America, the Incas built one of the wealthiest civilizations in the 1400′s. Their cities and temples remain and are really, really worth a visit.
  • Redwood Trees:The largest and tallest trees in the world. People have dated some trees to be as old as 2200 years. Found along the coast of North America, these Redwood Giants are a spectacular and awe-inspiring sight.
  • Vancouver:Ranked and rated as the best city in the world to visit and to live in. Little crime and a beautiful city. Are you up for a trip to Canada?
  • Mount Kilauea Volcano – Hawaii:Mount Kilauea is the most visited volcano in the world. It is also the most active volcano with lava pouring out of it since 1983. Combine two reasons for one trip: surfing and a volcano!
  • Bora Bora:Bora Bora is a tiny island part of French Polynesia. It is an incredible paradise and if you are able to, Bora Bora is one single reason that is enough to take you across the world to see it.
  • Suralai, Koh Samui – Thailand:
    Beaches, beautiful weather, beautiful girls. This paradise is certainly worth the trip.
  • Northern Lights – Alaska:I have yet to see them. The northern lights are incredible displays of light in the sky that can only be seen in a certain part of the year from the northen hemisphere, particularly Alaska and Northern Canada. It is said to be an amazing experience.
  • Burj al Arab – Dubai:Rated as the world’s only 7 star hotel. Right on the water with a beautiful restaurant on the top floor. Combine this with some of the world’s biggest shopping center’s and you have more than enought reason to visit Dubai.
  • Grand Canyon – Arizona:277 Miles long and up to 22 miles in width, this massive gorge is a spectacular natural phenomenon. If you can afford it, do a helicopter tour through the canyon!
  • Madagascar:Located off the east coast of Africa, this island is home to some amazing wild-life and vegetation. If you want to see beauty and have a bit of an adventure, then take a trip to Madagascar.
  • Pyramid Of Kukulcan – Mexico:This 9-step pyramid is said to relate to the Mayan calendar. Built around 800 AD, this beautiful structure is worth a trip to Mexico.
  • Mount Rushmore:A monumental sculpture in the mountain, said to represent the first 150 years of the history of the United Stated of America. The entire sculpture covers 5.17 square kilometers!
  • Las Vegas:Also known as Sin City. Famous for it’s casino’s, clubs, hotels and extravagant lifestyle that goes with it. You don’t have to commit any sins or gamble, but it is definitely worth a trip.
  • Lost City of Petra – Jordan:This rose-red city carved into the limestone mountains in Jordan was chosen as one of the 7 wonders of the new world.
  • St.Petersburg – Russia:
    A beautiful, old city full of history and culture. The museums, palaces and cathedrals are absolutely amazing.
  • Canadian Rockies – Canada:
    A segment of the North American Rocky Mountains. They are a visitor’s wonderland and the playground for western Canada.
  • The Igazu Waterfalls – South Argentinian Border:
    The Igazu Waterfalls are said to be the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. Incredible power and enormous emounts of water flow over this magistical natural feature.
  • The Italian Riviera:
    The Cinque Terre is a gorgeous national park, which connects five quaint villages. The villages are connected by walking routes and it is possible to go for hikes in the gorgeous hills.
  • The Eiffel Tower:
    One of the most well-know steel structures in Paris, France. Go skating underneath it or have a cup of cofee in one of the restaurants inside it. Definitely warrants a trip to Paris.
  • Hallstatt – Austria:
    This is a very cute little town, just across a river from an Austrian train station. The World’s oldest salt mine is located here. There are many of spots to fish and rent boats to drift up the river.
  • Venice:
    Venice has its share of history, art, and really gorgeous buildings. The allure comes from the the pedestrian-only streets and Gondola filled rivers.
  • Rome:
    Every list of European holidays must included Rome. From the history to the culture, Rome has a certain magic to it that everybody should see at least once in their lives.
  • Ancient Civilizations:Besides all the cultural and historical places I have mentioned already, there are many civilizations that have lived, prospered and fallen. It can be very interesting to see what remains of their empires and try to imagine how they lived all those years ago.
  • Museums:I was never really one for museums, but once you start travelling, every city has a history. Visit one or two museums in every city you go to and you will be amazed at the things that you discover about that city. You may just look at it with completely different eyes.
  • Art:Artists from all around the world were fantastic at different things. Some at building statues, some at carving wood, some at painting and others and making music. You can travel to these famous artists’ home towns to admire their work and possibly even see how they lived.
  • Languages:English, Spanish, Japanese, French, Russian, Portugese and all the other wonderful languages of the world. A different language adds such a diversity to your world. Go to a country where they speak a different language and see if you can pick up a few words.
  • Get away from your troubles:Maybe things have been a little too stressgul at your work or in your life lately. Travelling is a great way to leave all your worries behind and just concentrate on the present. You’ll be feeling totally refreshed and ready to take on the world after some extensive travelling.
  • Snowboarding:Have you done it yet? I can tell you that it is truly amazing, wizzing down the pretty white slopes with a board strapped to your feet. Control your speed, where and when you want to turn, and if you are a daredevil- why not attempt a jump or two?
  • Skiing:The same as with snowboarding, except you have one ski on each foot and two ski-poles.
  • Wakeboarding:You can do this pretty much anywhere in the world, yet it is fun to go to another country and do this. Preferabbly a club-med vacation or some tropical island, where you can spend all day in the water learning how to wake-board. Really fun!
  • Surfing:Is wakeboarding not your thing? Try surfing. Those crystal clear and aqua-blue waters, the sun heating your skin and you on the surfboard riding those waves. Plenty of magnificent locations all around the world to attempt your surfing skills.
  • Safari:In my mind safari is associated with Africa, green Jeeps and a guide with a rifle. Driving through the dessert or semi-dessert spotting lions, elephants, buffalo and many more wild, dangerous creatures. You have to experience it once in your lifetime!
  • Diving:I have yet to do this. Being under water to see all sorts of exotic fish and coral? Fantastic. Two places come to mind: The Red Sea near Egypt and The Great Barrier Reef near Australia.
  • Take a Cruise:One of those BIG cruiseliners, where you can lie on the deck by the pool all day long, bronzing in the sun. Mediterranean, Carribean or anywhere else in the world. These cruises often stop at multiple locations so you get to see some interesting sites too.
  • Motorcycle Tour:In the Summer, rent a motorcycle (or two if you are with a friend) and tour through Europe.
  • Road Trip:If you’re not a fan of two wheels, take 4. Get a friend or two or three, and drive through a country or continent, just for fun. Sop at all the small places, take the scenic routes and have a ball.
  • Relax on Tropical Islands:You always see those postcards with tropical islands, palm trees, golden beaches and aqua-blue waters. Why not go to one of these islands yourself and do nothing all day but relax in that picture perfect paradise?
  • Take a Workshop of Someone you Admire:The internet has made it possible for people to spread their work and knowledge all over the world. If there is someone in another country who you follow or admire, why not take a trip to visit them and attend one of their seminars or workshops?
  • Set Foot on All Seven Continents:Maybe pointless and egotistical, but hey, it’s something to be proud of if you say you’ve stepped on every single continent on this planet.
  • Watch the Water Drain in Opposite Directions:A random interesting fact. Did you know that the water drains out of your sink or tub in different directions depending on if you are in the northern or southern hemisphere?
  • Warp Through Time:Not really, but kind of. Travelling across the globe means you go through different time-zones and you have to adjust the time on your watch, sometimes by several hours.
  • Experience a White Night, 24 Hours of Daylight:In certain parts of the world it is possible to experience 24 hours of continuous daylight. This means not a minute of darkness for the entire day.
  • Experience 30 Days of Night:Just like in the movie, Alaska experiences 30 days of total darkness for a certain part of the year. Have you ever experienced that? It must be scary.
  • Rio Carnival:This carnival is held once a year in Rio de Janero – Brazil. It is considered to be one of the greatest shows on earth. People travel the globe just to witness it. The first festivals date back to 1793!!
  • Business Opportunities:You may not know what is coming your way. While you are traveling through other cities and countries, you may just meet people or see opportunities that will allow you to do some very good business deals.
  • Photos:Been there, done that?! Now you can have photos to prove all the cool things you have done on your travels.
  • Everybody Wants You:As a traveller or tourist, if you can pay for something (like a hotel, resort, service, meal) then everybody is more than willing to accomodate you. Sometimes people even compete to have you at their business.
  • Your Own Time:There is no ‘late’ or ‘rush’ when you are on your own agenda. Sleep in, wake up early, do whatever you like.
  • Wear The Same Clothes Every Day:The beauty about travelling is that you do not need many clothes. You can alternate between two pairs of jeans for months and nobody will ever know. Want to wear the same shirt every night you go out? No problemo.
  • Learn to Enjoy the Silence:Tune in to the world around you. Forget about distractions and meaningless noise, just become one with where-ever you are.
  • All the Great Shopping Stores:Paris, Milan, Dubai, Malasia, Singapore and many other places in the world all contain enormous amounts of shops and shopping centeres. You could walk for days, going through shop after shop. Just make sure you leave your credit card at home somtimes, otherwise it will become a very expensive vacation.
  • Make Others Jealous:Now this isn’t something you should strive for, but if you take extended months for travelling the world, people will be jealous. Maybe because they can’t afford to do it, but mostly because they wish they had the courage to just pack up, sell their things and travel.
  • Satisfy Your Curiosity:What makes you tick? Do you have a burning desire to find out more about something? The world has plenty to offer! Take a trip and induldge on your curiosities.
  • Nightlife:Whether young or old, nightlife is always interesting. If you’re not up to partying and dancing, just sit down and have a drink at a bar or pub in the center of the nightlife. It’s amazing how it differs from country to country.
  • Rejuvenation:Rebuild and rejuvenate your energy and zest for life. Sometimes 3 weeks is enough, other times you may need 3 months.
  • Resume:If you tell your next potential employer that you have travelled the world, learnt another language and worked small and interesting jobs while travelling it’s going to make him favor hiring you.
  • Home Sweet Home:After travelling, you may realize that it was fun, but nothing compares to your home. You may just appreciate everything much more and be really happy by just living at home again.
  • Travel With Your Partner:If you are both up for it, go out and travel together. That way you can really bond and strengthen your relationship and spend quality time together.
  • What is 1 Year?:To some people, 1 year may sound like a long time. A year flies by before you know it. So rather take that year and spend it going crazy and doing what you really want to do instead of spending it behind a desk again.
  • Start a Blog:Keep a log of your journey and travels. Post your adventures, stories, videos and photos on your own blog and you may even build up a following of thousands of people. If you want to learn how to create your own blog, CLICK HERE for my free step-by-step tutorial.
  • Become More Interesting:Adventure, travels and experiences give you many, many stories to tell. You’ll always be interesting at parties or events, and will be able to start or join into conversations. Like it or not, that is one of the effects of travelling.
  • Face Your Fears:Are you scared of travelling by yourself? Of being alone? Of venturing out into the unknown? Then Travelling by yourself is the best way to grow as a person. Face your fears and become your best self.
  • When it’s Over, You will Be Proud:After you travels across the world, you will look back on them and be proud of what you have done, seen and experienced.
  • You Only Live Once:At the end of day, it comes down to the fact that you only have one life. Whether it may be 20 years or 120 years, your time is limited. Many things can be bought, but time and experiences cannot. Do the things you want to do, travel the world, learn, see, absorb and enjoy everything that our wonderful earth has to offer us.

2013年1月14日 星期一

[文章分享] 一位台裔紐西蘭人對台勞的看法

首 先,今周刊的報導是捏造的,這件事讓我很失望。台灣的新聞自由一直讓我感到很驕傲,但是新聞自由不等於大家應該容忍這種為了銷售率或是收視率而假造新聞的 媒體。我覺得今周刊出來道歉是應該的。再來讓我很難過的就是大家搶著相信這種造假的報導,然後不斷的貶低並且悲情化自己。我同意政府還有很多需要改善的地 方,還有很大可以進步的空間。不過今天不管誰當家,狀況十之八九都是一樣的。今天全世界都不景氣,所有的政府都救不起經濟,所有的執政黨都面對經濟救不起來被人民罵臭頭的現況。台灣不是唯一有這種狀況的國家。
跟 全世界比起來,澳洲大概可以算是一支獨秀,沒有被之前債信危機影響很多,經濟還有維持不錯的成長的奇葩。但這是因為澳洲以農牧林礦這個一級產業立國,剛好 搭上了世界對農牧礦產需求增加的這班車。中國因為大興土木建設,需要大量的鋼鐵,澳洲產鐵又產煤,澳洲的礦業就等同是台灣的科技產業。不同的是他幾乎是少 數寡占的,他們不需要在國際市場上廝殺,是買家要捧著錢來求他們。還有就是中東印度東南亞這些國家飲食西方化,對奶製品的需求大增。國際市場上牛奶的暱稱 就是「白金」 (white gold),紐西蘭也是靠著這個一桶金一桶金的在賺。在紐澳,有錢的是農夫。
如 果以台灣人的台勞心態來看,全世界的國家都是悲情的。希臘受高等教育的知識份子,很多都離開希臘到其他歐洲國家去謀生了。愛爾蘭、西班牙還有其他歐洲國家 很多年輕人也是畢業就失業,即使找到工作也是低薪約聘的。這些國家的年輕人很多都跑來紐澳了。因為工作的關係,每天我都必須遇到很多來自世界各地打工度假 (working holiday) 的 年輕人,他們做各行各業的工作。最普遍的是農場及果園,這些是季節性的。當水果成熟要採收了,牛羊長大要宰殺了,那段時間就會需要大量的短期勞工,工作雖 然辛苦但是酬勞高,比我這個坐辦公室的還好賺。等到水果採收完了,這些工作就沒有了。年輕人帶著滿滿的荷包就旅行去了,去滑雪去衝浪去體驗跟自己國家不同 的地方。如果想繼續賺錢的,大部分就回到市區,最好找的就是旅館餐飲業,這邊的餐廳裡常常有很多不同口音的年輕人服務你。
這些年輕人,大部分是歐洲人,其他是一些南美洲跟亞洲人。這些歐洲人從來沒有覺得自己很悲情, 從來沒有說過自己是什麼英勞、法勞、德勞、愛爾蘭勞、西班牙勞、瑞典勞、丹麥勞。我不是很懂為什麼台灣人出國了就變成悲情的台勞?台灣人會如此覺得,主要 就是因為大家不知道外面的世界是怎樣,永遠只會看到自己。今天突然看到了一個比自己好的澳洲,就覺得天塌下來了。可是大家看到整個真相嗎?大家看到為什麼 澳洲好嗎?大家看到世界上其他國家也跟台灣一樣慘,甚至更慘嗎?台灣的新聞不報世界大事,台灣的學校不敎世界大事,台灣人不知道外面發生什麼事,也因為這樣而造就了這個台勞心態。
就是因為以上原因,台灣更應該鼓勵自己的年輕人出國見世面,而不是台勞台勞的打壓年輕人出國working holiday的 意願。去外面才會知道別人家發生什麼事,別人家的事會如何影響自己家的事。台灣的未來就是要靠這些年輕人,靠他們的活力,靠他們與世界接軌。或許有些人是 為了錢出國打工,但就算是每天都拼命工作賺錢也是可以學到見識到很多東西。如果沒有在過程中累積自己的優勢,充實自己的能量,那真的很可惜,也真的變成了 台勞。
我寫這個,只是想要突顯今周刊記者的不專業,還有我想告訴台灣人不要再自我貶低自我悲情化。台灣並沒有比人家差啊! 大家知道嗎?紐西蘭跟台灣一樣,都是小國家,也都是島國。台灣在亞洲的邊陲,紐西蘭在世界的角落。可是人家紐西蘭從政府到民間(家長,學校,企業)都很鼓 勵年輕人要走出去,與世界接軌,出去把世界帶回家。紐西蘭澳洲很多年輕人也是畢業了,就世界各地去打工,不過他們把這個叫做OE(Overseas Experience),常常很多年輕人都說他們要去Big OE了,一去就是好幾年。他們去最多的地方是歐洲,再來是美加跟亞洲。他們在外面歷練了一圈,帶著一身的本事與見識,充滿活力的又回來自己的國家。政府還有企業最喜歡用這種OE回來的,因為他們心胸寬廣,見多識廣,而且歷練過了,回家準備好好穩定的開始打造自己的事業(career)。
接受台灣打工度假的國家並不是貪圖什麼廉價勞工,打工度假這個東西是人家發明出來的, 而且行之有年了,人家的年輕孩子也是揹著行囊世界各地去打工。台灣的年輕人應該好好抓住這個機會,出去歷練一下,然後帶著一身本事與活力回台灣,把台灣變 更好。而台灣的老人(政府,家長,學校,企業)就應該好好鼓勵自己的孩子出去飛一圈,等他們回來之後,給他們機會跟舞台去發光,為台灣貢獻。因為讓這些孩 子回來表現,等你們退休了,才有一個好的台灣給你安養天年。不管是年輕人還是老人,希望這次的台勞事件可以讓大家有機會看見不同的世界。
**如果你喜歡這篇文章,歡迎轉載。如果有媒體喜歡,拿去用不用錢。但不可以斷章取義或隨意修改,不然下次換你要出來道歉喔! by 原作者**

[iWAT 2013工作參考] Wildcat Cliffs Country Club (5月底或6月初出發 極佳英文能力必須)

Wildcat Cliffs Country Club
Highlands, North Carolina

Wildcat Cliffs Country Club is private neighborhood of 200 homes.  Members are typically enjoying WCCC as a second home during the late spring through mid-autumn.  The Club sits on top of a beautiful mountain and provides members with a resort-style golf course and club house.  The club house includes a fine restaurant, socializing areas, and a pub/lounge.  The restaurant offers both buffets and a la carte menus and a full bar.


WCCC  is offering three Summer 2013 placements for students with a Culinary background
to work in the kitchen.

Arrivals needed:  Three students arriving anytime between late May and early June

Responsibilities may include dishwashing, prep cook, roundsman, and other general kitchen assistant tasks.  

Pay is $10 per hour (overtime at $15 per hour).
Meals when working are free.
Hours are 35 – 45 hours per week, 1-2 days off per week
Housing Shared bedroom in fully furnished apartment with a work shuttle provided includes
all utilities, cable tv, wireless internet, and gym/pool membership in town is $70 per week.
Bring (in good condition) – black non-skid-soled shoes (appropriate for kitchen)

Excellent English and a big smile are required.

2013年1月13日 星期日

美國暑期打工旅遊 美國各州最低薪(時薪)資參考表 Minimum pay rate per hour of the States

Minimum pay rate per hour of the States

Alabama – No minimum wage law.

Alaska $7.75Arizona $7.35

Arkansas $6.25

California $8.00

Colorado $7.36

Connecticut $8.2

5Delaware $7.25

Florida $7.31

Georgia $5.15

Hawaii $7.25

Idaho $7.25

Illinois $8.25

Indiana $7.25

Iowa $7.25

Kansas $7.25

Kentucky $7.25

Louisiana – No minimum wage law.

Maine $7.50

Maryland $7.25

Massachusetts $8.00

Michigan $7.40

Minnesota $6.15

Mississippi – No minimum wage law.

Missouri $7.25

Montana $7.35

Nebraska $7.25

Nevada $7.25

New Hampshire $7.25

New Jersey $7.25

New Mexico $7.50

New York $7.25

North Carolina $7.25

North Dakota $7.25

Ohio $7.25

Oklahoma $7.25

Oregon $8.50

Pennsylvania $7.25

Rhode Island $7.40

South Carolina – No minimum wage law.

South Dakota $7.25

Tennessee – No minimum wage law.

Texas $7.25Utah $7.25

Vermont $8.15

Virginia $7.25

Washington $8.67

West Virginia $7.25

Wisconsin $7.25

Wyoming $5.15

[僅供參考~ 學員在美工作薪資將依實際前往的州及當時法令規定]

2013年1月9日 星期三

2013-01-09 美國暑期打工旅遊 - 中山講座分享! 謝謝你/妳的參加~~~

0109 中山講座  
2013.01.09 謝謝中山大學的同學和從高餐來的同學們~
大家最近也都在和期末考奮鬥了~~ 大家加油囉!!! Fighting!!!  GOGOGO!!~~